Go Away With … Judah Friedlander

“The United States is a huge country (that in) many ways is like many countries within one,” says actor Judah Friedlander, who also hosts the Nat Geo WILD’s three-part series, “The Monster Project.” “I recommend visiting neighborhoods or cities in your own country that you would never visit. And try the cuisine that is specific to that city.”

Go Away With … Jessica Campbell

Jessica Campbell got an early start with road trips. “We grew up making trips to our family vacation house in Cherry Grove, S.C., just outside Myrtle Beach,” says the Nashville-based singer-songwriter. “I loved it! Knowing that it was a house my grandpa built for our family to enjoy made it a very special place.” Currently on tour to promote her album “The Anchor and the Sail,” Campbell’s single “Be You” is available via free download from Crate and Barrel’s “Get the Download” offer (valid through the end of October).

Go Away With … Billy Bush

At first glance, it may seem odd that “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush would executive produce a documentary about rhino poaching in Nepal. After all, the television personality is best known for reporting on celebrities. Also, he’s admittedly bug phobic. But he was excited to team up with the World Wildlife Fund in Nepal to tell the story of the endangered one-horn rhinos and what is being done to help protect them from extinction for the Nat Geo WILD documentary “Chasing Rhinos with Billy Bush.”

The Boy Scouts

Our local Boy Scout troop could’ve had an opportunity to learn that there are repercussions to their actions; and that sometimes, the worst action is in pretending that a wrong never happened. Instead, they learned that if they deny something enough, they can get away with being cruel to youngsters and disrespecting members of their community.