Go Away With … Billy Bush

At first glance, it may seem odd that “Access Hollywood” host Billy Bush would executive produce a documentary about rhino poaching in Nepal. After all, the television personality is best known for reporting on celebrities. Also, he’s admittedly bug phobic. But he was excited to team up with the World Wildlife Fund in Nepal to tell the story of the endangered one-horn rhinos and what is being done to help protect them from extinction for the Nat Geo WILD documentary “Chasing Rhinos with Billy Bush.”

The Boy Scouts

Our local Boy Scout troop could’ve had an opportunity to learn that there are repercussions to their actions; and that sometimes, the worst action is in pretending that a wrong never happened. Instead, they learned that if they deny something enough, they can get away with being cruel to youngsters and disrespecting members of their community.

Go Away With … Blair Underwood

Fans are used to seeing Blair Underwood playing a variety of roles: a hotshot attorney (“L.A. Law”), a charismatic doctor (“Sex and the City”) and a ruthless businessman (“Dirty Sexy Money”). But in the new NBC series “Ironside,” Underwood tackles the part of wheelchair-bound detective, Robert Ironside — the iconic role made famous by Raymond Burr.