Korean cuisine beyond barbecue and kimchi

When I was young, I went through a phase where I hated Korean food. My mother would make fresh, home-cooked meals from scratch. And instead of realizing what a treat that was, I would ask why we couldn’t just eat TV dinners like all my friends. But these days, there’s no cuisine I enjoy more than Korean. And if someone else is willing to cook it for me, all the better! So when my family and I traveled to South Korea this fall, eating well was a top priority.

Go Away With … Scott Pelley

Scott Pelley is a correspondent for “60 Minutes,” as well as the anchor and managing editor of the “CBS Evening News.” The 57-year-old journalist travels constantly for his work and says he wouldn’t have it any other way. “Whenever I give commencement addresses at colleges, I tell young people to get a passport,” Pelley says. “There is no education on earth as good as the education you get from travel. I never tire of going to a place I’ve never been before. I’m still filled with excitement about getting on a plane, boat or train.”