Speaking with … Marc Maron

Marc Maron is 40. Or, as he likes to say, 37 in show-biz years. Funny and sarcastic, he’ll be in Chicago this weekend to sign copies of his book, Jerusalem Syndrome: My Life as a Reluctant Messiah (Broadway, $12.95), at 6 tonight at Borders in Evanston (847-773-8852). And the comedian also will perform Saturday night at Skokie’s Centre East Theatre.

Munchausen’s by proxy

At age 4, Mary Bryk began to suspect there was something seriously wrong with her mother. As Bryk recalls, her mother would meticulously tie Bryk’s hands together and bind her leg to a high chair. Then, she would strike the child’s foot with a hammer. “My mom was a nurse and would constantly tell me she was doing treatments and that the doctor knew what she was doing,” says Bryk, now 44. “But even at that age I knew something wasn’t right. When she fractured my hip while I was hospitalized, that’s when it hit me that what she was doing wasn’t normal.”

She’s a beauty, she’s a beast 

With her sallow complexion, sagging jowls and bloated body, the woman onscreen in “Monster” isn’t recognizable as Charlize Theron. Best known for her killer legs and babydoll face, the 28-year-old actress was an unlikely candidate to portray real-life serial killer Aileen Wournos. But when you look at side-by-side photos of the two, the likeness is uncanny.