Go Away With … Cary Elwes

“I’m blessed in my life to have had the good fortune to travel and I never take that for granted,” says actor Cary Elwes. “It’s a wonderful gift to go to new places and meet new people.” Elwes’ breakthrough role came almost 30 years ago when he was selected to play the dashing (and funny) Westley in the movie “The Princess Bride.” Since then, the Los Angeles-based Brit has appeared in numerous films, such as “Glory,” “Liar Liar” and “Saw.”

British actor takes turn as American in `Glory’

Cary Elwes doesn’t sound like you’d expect him to. The English actor speaks in an accent that has more traces of Charlie Sheen’s Eastern intonations than any of the crisply accented British characters he has played during the last six years. Eight years of living in the United States and his first co-starring role as an American have seen to that.