Go Away With … Dominik Garcia-Lorido

“Wild Card” actress Dominik Garcia-Lorido remembers spending time in Italy while her father, Andy Garcia, filmed “The Godfather: Part III”: “I still remember the school I went to and what the hallway looked like, what our house was like and all that. I went to an American school, so I didn’t learn to speak Italian, which is a shame. But, Italy is still my favorite place to go.”

Go Away With … Ali Mejia

“One time when we were planning a trip to Cambodia, my husband emailed an old friend who lived in Vietnam for advice on planning our trip,” Eberjey co-founder Ali Mejia recalls. “(His friend) was so excited to share all his knowledge with us that he decided to be our tour guide! It was one of the best trips we’ve ever taken, because we visited places we would have never known about and got to really immerse ourselves in the local culture.”