“All Roads Lead Home”

“All Roads Lead Home” does not fall in the same category as a classic like “Old Yeller.” But it does tell a heartwarming tale that features some super cute animals, including an adorable, scene-stealing puppy. At times a tad too earnest, the movie (which is inspired by a true story) makes for pleasant viewing that could open up some nice dialogue between parents and children about how compassion comes in many different forms.

“Out Cold” — A boring snowboarding comedy

What could have been a cute comedy is hidden way, way below the surface of “Out Cold.” Just as the film teases its teen audience with the promise of almost but not-quite-there female nudity, this PG-13 movie dances with the possibility of being engaging. But a recurring cruel streak and a cliched, boring script that clumsily attempts to parody “Fight Club” and “Casablanca” trips up the fun.